UNDP/GEF DRP - Danube Regional Project
The UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project was launched to reinforce regional cooperation of the Danube countries. It supported the development of national policies and legislation and the definition of priority actions for pollution control. This all to ensure a common approach to the protection of international waters, sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), has been working to address priority environmental problems in the Danube since 1992.
The main goal of the project is to strengthen existing structures and activities in order to facilitate a regional approach, thus strengthening the capacity of the ICPDR and the Danube countries to fulfill their legally binding commitment to implement the Danube Convention. This task now also includes the development of a River Basin Management Plan in line with the EU's Water Framework Directive.
Key targets include reducing nutrient pollution and supporting trans-boundary co-operation. The project is already well under way, and covers some 80 activities, largely concerned with improving water supply and other water services, strengthening agricultural policies, providing effective river basin management tools and protecting wetlands.
The 5-year project has a total budget of 15 million USD.
The Danube Regional Project is one of three components of the 95 million USD GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube / Black Sea Basin – the largest and perhaps most ambitious water-related project supported by the GEF anywhere in the world.