PDF Maps
As a tool for the ICPDR and its stakeholders, maps are immutably valuable assets that quickly highlight the transboundary nature of Danube concerns.
Displaying 131 - 140 of 207 items
Map 21: Urban wastewater discharges – Vision Scenario - UWWT (1.16 MB)
Map 20: Urban wastewater discharges - Midterm Scenario - UWWT (1.16 MB)
Map 19: Urban wastewater discharges – Baseline Scenario - UWWT 2015 (1.16 MB)
Map 18: Urban wastewater discharges - Reference Situation - UWWT 2005/2006 (1.17 MB)
Map 17: Exemptions according to EU WFD Articles 4(4) and 4(5) – groundwater (1.31 MB)
Map 16: Exemptions according to EU WFD Articles 4(4) and 4(5) – surface waters (1.1 MB)
Map 15: Quantitative status – groundwater (1.28 MB)
Map 14: Chemical status – groundwater (1.27 MB)
Map 13: Heavily modified and artificial water bodies (1.09 MB)
Map 12: Chemical status of surface water bodies (1.13 MB)