Danube Watch Magazine
Danube Watch was the official magazine of ICPDR, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River.
It reported on issues affecting the Danube Basin, and on action taken to deal with challenges in the river basin. Striving for scientific accuracy while remaining concise, clear and readable, it was produced for the wide range of people who are actively involved in the Danube River Basin and are working for the improvement of its environment.
PLATINA project shaped future of inland navigation in Europe
The Danube region plays an important role in the EU’s transport and energy infrastructure,
and the EU Strategy for the Danube Region will combine those sectors
with economic, environmental, social and cultural elements.Danube Day and the Green Danube Partnership: joining private with public efforts
Conducting business as a member of the communities one serves
Business for the rivers: private initiatives to promote sustainable water use
Danube Watch 2/2012 (2.79 MB)
Business Friends of the Danube The Danube - Europe's Artery of Life The Danubeparks Network Reinhard Liepolt Award for Danube research
A recently completed survey of the Danube Delta region will significantly improve
knowledge about water quality, the environment, current management
of water resources and human activities in the region.-
Danube Watch 1/2012 (1.49 MB)
Commemorating the source of cooperation
The future of the Danube River Basin
Business Friends show corporate responsibility
Business Friends show corporate responsibility