Displaying 141 - 150 of 812 items
Danube Watch 1/2020 - More Efficient Sampling with the Mariani Box
Danube Watch 1/2020 - Keep Calm and Science On: JDS4 in Times of Crisis
Danube Watch 1/2020 - Communication in Times of the Corona Crisis: Finally Embracing a Digital Workplace
Danube Watch 1/2020 - Stay Safe, Stay Strong, Stay ICPDR
Danube Watch 1/2020 (6.36 MB)
JOINT DANUBE SURVEY 4: Working in Crisis-mode DATA: Sorting it all out and Putting it to Use PRESIDENCY 2020: Cooperation, Collaboration and New Perspectives Danube Watch 3/2019 - Celebrate 25 Years of ICPDR with a Home-made Cake!
Danube Watch 3/2019 - Groundwater and Agriculture interrelation
Danube Watch 3/2019 - Improving the Safety of Tailings Management Facilities in the Danube River Basin
Danube Watch 3/2019 - The Story Behind the Silver Boxes
Danube Watch 3/2019 - Talking with Two ICPDR Dinosaurs