Displaying 311 - 320 of 812 items
TNMN Yearbook 2013 - Data Annex (4.52 MB)
TNMN Yearbook 2013 (3.74 MB)
ICPDR Annual Report 2014 (1.08 MB)
Danube Watch 3-4/2015 (2.64 MB)
Danube Day 2015 - Fighting for the sturgeons - Saving a sacred river Danube River Basin Management Plan (DRBMP) Update 2015
Since the publication of the first Danube River Basin Management Plan (DRBMP) in 2009, the ICPDR updates the DRBMP every six years as requested by the EU Water Framework Directive. On this page you can download the Danube River Basin Management Plan (DRBMP) Update 2015 and all its annexes and maps.
Danube Flood Risk Management Plan (DFRMP) 2015
Danube Adventure: learning about the river in a playful way
The road to environmentally sustainable inland waterway navigation
Remember the river: using art to connect students to the Danube
Nitrogen pollution in the Danube Basin