Displaying 421 - 430 of 812 items
Austria - The “blue” Danube and the ICPDR
Germany - A shared responsibility to protect resources
Targets for all Danube countries to meet: implementing EU legislation
ICPDR Presidency 2014: continuity, coherence and cooperation from the Black Forest to the Black Sea
The flow of Danube cooperation: a history of shared responsibility
Danube Watch 1/2014 (1.98 MB)
Special: 20 Years ICPDR, The flow of international cooperation: A history of the ICPDR, ICPDR Presidency 2014: Bulgaria, Celebrating the Danube River Protection Convention -
2002 Floods in the Danube River Basin (119.18 KB)
Danube Day 2013
A hydropower balancing act
Credit to the crew: the third Joint Danube Survey successfully completed