Publications, documents and all other content
Can ecology and waterway transport coexist?
ICPDR Danube Watch: The new riverbank at Hainburg
Water Protection Declaration adopted by 16 countries
Bucharest, 23 February 2007. The European Commission and Environment Ministers from all countries of the Danube River Basin and Black Sea region adopted a Declaration on the Enhancement of Cooperation during a High Level Meeting in Bucharest, Romania. The Declaration recognizes the important values of the region, historical damage it has undergone and recent signs of environmental recovery as a result of cooperative actions.
Ministerial Meeting 2007
Bucharest, 23 February 2007. Ministers of the Danube and Black Sea countries took an ambitious step towards the protection of the Danube River Basin and Black Sea region ecosystems. The European Commission and the federal ministers of 16 countries adopted a declaration in which they jointly confirm their strong commitment to foster their cooperation and to implement the program of the ICPDR and the Black Sea Commission.
Romania to Take Over Presidency
Vienna, 19 January 2007. Romania will take over the Presidency of the ICPDR for the year 2007, on Monday, 22 January. The handover will take place at an official ceremony hosted by the outgoing Presidency, Moldova, at the Palais Pallavicini in Vienna, Austria, at 1700 hours. State Secretary of Environment and Water Management of Romania, Lucia Varga, will serve as President during 2007 and will guide the activities of ICPDR.
Annex - Data (860 KB)
TNMN Yearbook 2003 (5.78 MB)
Youth parliaments held in Moldova go to the source
ICPDR Danube Watch: Youth parliaments held in Moldova go to the source
European industrial companies coming to Bulgaria
From conflict to cooperation
Danube Day 2006: River of Life