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Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 1947 results found
Flood action plan for pannonian southern danube (508 KB)
Flood action plan for pannonian central danube (2.09 MB)
ICPDR Annual Report 2009 (3.32 MB)
Massive floods in summer 2010
Danube Basin, 1 September 2010. This summer, the Danube basin was repeatedly deluged by torrential rains causing massive floods. Across the basin people were forced from their homes, and many houses collapsed or were damaged due to floods or landslides after flood events. The ICPDR is actively working on flood management issues. You can find out more on its activities on this website - please following the links listed.
2nd Joint Statement Meeting: Minutes (703.74 KB)
Minutes of the 2nd Meeting on the Follow-up of the Joint Statement (Zagreb, 9-10 March 2010) -
Croatia Facts & Figures (150.25 KB)
Ten years of the Green Corridor
Encouraging young people to dive in to water management
Sustainable development - from paper to practice.
The future of water – consequences of climate change in Central Europe