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A grassroots programme for change in the Drava River Basin
ICPDR Danube Watch: Ecotourism boost in Danube-Drava National Park
Minutes of the 2nd Project Steering Committee Meeting (481.47 KB)
Presentation of the 2nd Project Steering Committee Meeting (2.43 MB)
Press Release 2009-01-27 (slovak) (126.46 KB)
Slovensko preberá predsedníctvo v Medzinárodnej komisii pre ochranu Dunaja (ICPDR) -
Press Release 2009-01-27 (english) (103.78 KB)
Slovakia Takes over Presidency of International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) Slovakia Takes over Presidency of ICPDR
Vienna, 27 January 2009. Slovakia takes over the Presidency of the ICPDR for the year 2009 at a ceremony held today. Olga Srsnova, General Director of the Division of Waters and Energy Sources at the Slovak Ministry of Environment will serve as President and guide the activities of the ICPDR. “During my presidency, I am committed to promoting development that meets the needs of both the people and the environment”, said Ms. Srsnova.
Documents for the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the UNDP GEF Tisza MSP (2.52 MB)
15 Years of Managing the Danube River Basin 1991-2006 (3.65 MB)
Covering a period of 15 years until 2006, this document presents the key political decisions made and their results – from the development of new programmes, institutions and the convention to... 15 Years of Managing the Danube Basin
This document presents the win-win situation which resulted between the ICPDR, GEF/UNDP, EU and the Danube countries and their diverse peoples after 15 years of developing “integrated river basin management” (IRBM) in the Danube Basin.
Short listed project ideas (1.73 MB)