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Displaying 271 - 280 of 1947 results found
(Press Release) Danube Day 2021: “Discover Danube!”
VIENNA, 29 June – For Danube Day 2021 once again we are inviting more than eighty million people in the 14 Danube countries to celebrate the day, learn about the waters, experience the river, and #DiscoverDanube. Events will be held partially online this year with only a small number of outdoor events taking place.
Background Notes: Thematic Area 5 (216.14 KB)
Thematic Area 5: Communication and Public Participation -
Background Notes: Thematic Area 4 (210.46 KB)
Thematic Area 4: Support to implement both plans, Financing of the measures -
Background Notes: Thematic Area 3 (216.14 KB)
Thematic Area 3: Objectives and measures of Flood Risk Management Plans -
Background Notes: Thematic Area 2 (192.29 KB)
Thematic Area 2 - Hydromorphological Alterations & Integration Issues (Flood Risk Management, Hydropower, Nature Protection, Navigation, Agriculture) -
Background Notes: Thematic Area 1 (171.35 KB)
Thematic Area 1: Organic, Nutrient and Hazardous Substances Pollution of Surface and Groundwater -
Updated Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan 2019 - Maps (44.99 MB)
Updated Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan 2019 - Annexes (8.08 MB)
Updated Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan 2019 (4.62 MB)
JDS4 Press Pack (40.71 MB)
Everything you need to know about JDS4 – in one easy-access ZIP file.