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High Level Conference for the Protection of Sturgeons hosted under the Austrian Presidency of the EU
Vienna, 10 July 2018 (Press Release) - An international event took place on 9th and 10th July in Vienna within the framework of the Austrian Presidency of the EU. In attendance were 50 experts from national administrations, EU and international institutions, academia and NGO representatives, who can all potentially provide the long-term framework of action indispensable for the conservation of sturgeon stocks in Europe.
Danube Day 2018 Exhibition: the Vienna International Centre gets active for a healthier Danube
On 4-6 July 2018, to mark International Danube Day 2018, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, and the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna invited the staff of the Vienna International Centre (VIC) as well as interested attendees and journalists to a series of events for Danube Day.
On Danube Day 2018 we “get active for a healthier Danube”
(Press Release)
VIENNA, 29 June – Eighty-one million people in all 14 Danube countries are invited to ‘Get Active for a healthier Danube’ on 29 June as part of our celebrations for the 15th annual Danube Day.ICPDR Releases "Ice Report 2017"
Freezing weather conditions in the winter months have been a fact of life on the Danube since time immemorial, but the months of January and February 2017 saw many countries in the Danube Basin and its tributaries facing an especially bleak situation.
Climate Change Adaptation - Update of the Danube Study (3.59 MB)
Integrating and editing new scientific results in climate change research and the resulting impacts on water availability to revise the existing adaptation strategies in the Danube River basin Data privacy statement
Guiding Principles: Sustainable Hydropower Development - SLOVENE (936.22 KB)
Smernice za trajnostno hidroenergetsko rabo povodja Donave -
Groundwater Guidance (2.84 MB)
ICPDR convenes Climate Change Workshop designed to collaborate and tackle climate change issues in a transboundary context
On 27-28 March 2018, Belgrade payed host to the ICPDR Climate Change Adaptation Workshop. The ICPDR workshop was hosted by the Institute for the Development of Water Resources - "Jaroslav Cerni" The gathering included 80 participants from Danube countries, the International Sava River Basin Commission, the Carpathian Convention, the Danube Commission, the ICPDR Secretariat, the European Commission, GWP CEE, UNEP, the EUSDR and WWF who all contributed valuable input and advice.
8th World Water Forum in Brazil: ICPDR contributes to the rigorous discussion surrounding regional processes and this forum’s theme: “Sharing Water”.
Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 March 2018 in Rio de Jenerio (Brazil), the ICPDR had the opportunity to provide essential input in 3 different sessions at the 8th World Water Forum. The overarching agenda involved engaging in fruitful debates surrounding topics such as the overall theme of the Forum "Sharing Water" and the Sustainability Process; the debate in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the additional water-related targets and the Paris Climate Agreement. The ICPDR was able to contribute to this debate by providing real-world examples of regional processes in the Danube River Basin and the Black Sea.