Search Results
Displaying 571 - 580 of 1947 results found
Spain's Segura River wins IRF European RiverPrize
Vienna, 3 March 2016. The Segura River of Spain has been named the winner of the International RiverFoundation's 2016 European Riverprize. The award ceremony took place in Vienna's city hall for the third time.
Danube Adventure online game
The online game provides children with an opportunity to learn about the Danube in a playful way. A mix between a quiz and skills games, Danube Adventure was added to the ICPDR portfolio of education activities in 2016.
Messages from ICPDR Observers (171.06 KB)
The observers of the ICPDR were invited to address the 3rd Ministerial Meeting through these short statements. -
MM2016 - Family Photo (1.97 MB)
Provided for download and free use. Ministers and other high-level participants of the 3rd ICPDR Ministerial Meeting, 9 Feb 2016. -
TNMN Yearbook 2013 - Data Annex (4.52 MB)
TNMN Yearbook 2013 (3.74 MB)
ICPDR Annual Report 2014 (1.08 MB)
3rd ICPDR Ministerial Meeting - Agenda (39.3 KB)
Agenda for the 3rd ICPDR Ministerial Meeting, 9 February 2016. -
Background Briefing for Journalists - 3rd ICPDR Ministerial Meeting (16.84 KB)
General information on the ICPDR, the Danube River Basin, the EU Water Framework Directive, and the EU Floods Directive. -
Danube Declaration 2016 (214.47 KB)
Adopted at the ICPDR Ministerial Meeting on 9 February 2016: Water Management in the Danube River Basin: Integration and Solidarity in the most international river basin of the world