Search Results
Displaying 721 - 730 of 1947 results found
Riparian bird species as indicators for river dynamics and morphology
Putting new methods to use for the Danube
Microorganisms have huge significance for the Danube River
Conclusions from the Danube’s largest river research expedition
JDS3 Final Scientific Report available
Vienna, 22 March 2015. The Joint Danube Survey 3 (JDS3) was the world’s biggest river research expedition in 2013. Its results are now available in a comprehensive report, which can be downloaded from this website.
Joint Danube Survey 3
The Joint Danube Survey 3 (JDS3) was the world’s biggest river research expedition of its kind in 2013, the UN International Year of Water Cooperation. Its results were published in a comprehensive report in early 2015.
Guiding Principles: Sustainable Hydropower Development - CROATIAN (1.46 MB)
Održiv hidroenergetski razvoj na slivu Dunava - Vodeca nacela. Croatia presides over ICPDR in 2015
Vienna, 5 February 2015. Following a ceremonial passing of a bottle with Danube water at the Ordinary Meeting last December, Mr. Dražen Kurečić has now formally taken office as ICPDR President 2015.
TNMN Yearbook 2012 - Data Annex (4.41 MB)
TNMN Yearbook 2012 (3.63 MB)