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Displaying 851 - 860 of 1947 results found
  • 5th JS Meeting: List of Participants (20.03 KB)

  • News & Media

    5th Joint Statement Meeting held in Zagreb

    Zagreb, 4-5 Feb 2014. The 5th Follow-up of the Joint Statement Meeting was held in Zagreb on 4-5 February. Hosted by the International Sava River Basin Commission, representatives from navigation and environment discussed projects and policies.

  • 4th Joint Statement Meeting: Minutes (301.58 KB)

    Minutes of the 4th Meeting on the Follow-up of the Joint Statement (Budapest, 17-18 September 2012)
  • 5th Joint Statement Meeting: Minutes (767.65 KB)

    Minutes of the 5th Meeting on the Follow-up of the Joint Statement (Zagreb, 4-5 February 2014)
  • Content pages

    JS Meetings: Minutes & Background Documents

    In October 2007, a "Joint Statement on Inland Navigation and Environmental Sustainability in the Danube River Basin" was concluded, followed by a series of annual meetings. Here, we present reports, minutes and background materials of these meetings.

  • Publications

    2002 Floods in the Danube River Basin (119.18 KB)

  • Content pages

    Sturgeons in the Danube Basin

    Sturgeons are sensitive to environmental pressures and therefore valuable indicators for healthy rivers. This is why the ICPDR has endorsed sturgeons as flagship species. There are six species of sturgeons native in the Danube River Basin, but the survival of these ancient fish is threatened by a range of issues. Through the "Danube Sturgeon Task Force", the ICPDR contributes to actions such as the protection of habitats, the development of migration aids, the breeding of healthy stocks in sheltered facilities, or the struggle against illegal fishing and caviar trade.

  • Content pages

    Public Participation

    The ICPDR supports the active involvement of stakeholders and civil society on all levels of its work. This is pursued through observer organisations, as well as through public consultation activities for the development of management plans. To ensure a high level of public information, educational and outreach initiatives support the public participation work of the ICPDR.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR Goodwill Ambassadors: Messengers of the Danube

    Vienna, 3 Feb 2014. Wolfgang Stalzer of Austria and Fritz Holzwarth of Germany are the first dignatories of a new ICPDR honorary function: as ICPDR Goodwill Ambassadors, they will resume a representative role for the Commission in international matters.

  • News & Media

    Bulgaria takes ICPDR Presidency in anniversary year 2014

    Vienna/Sofia, 28 January 2014. “Continuity, Coherence, Cooperation from the Black Forest to the Black Sea” – this is the motto of the Bulgarian presidency of the ICPDR, starting on 27 January. Deputy Minister of the Environment and Water Atanas Kostadinov will chair the ICPDR for the organisation’s 20 year anniversary.