Maps & Data
Displaying 121 - 130 of 210 items
DRBM Plan - Update 2015: Draft Maps (43.97 MB)
The maps of the draft Danube River Basin Management Plan Update 2015, provided for public comments. -
Danube Basin Analysis 2013 - Maps (36.85 MB)
Map of Areas of Potential Significant Flood Risk in DRB 2013 (7.39 MB)
MAP - Hydropower Plants in the Danube River Basin (2.64 MB)
Map 29: Hydrological Alterations – Expected Improvements 2015 (1.11 MB)
Map 28: Ecological prioritisation regarding restoration measures for river and habitat continuity (1.43 MB)
Map 27: River and habitat continuity interruptions 2015 (expected improvements) (1.08 MB)
Map 26: Nitrates vulnerable zones (1.1 MB)
Map 25: Nutrient pollution from point and diffuse sources – Baseline Scenario 2015 for Phosphorous (1.16 MB)
Map 24: Nutrient pollution from point and diffuse sources – Baseline Scenario 2015 for Nitrogen (1.19 MB)