Maps & Data
Displaying 111 - 120 of 210 items
Map 5: Urban Wastewater Treatment – Reference Situation 2011/2012 (2.59 MB)
Map 4: Transboundary Groundwater Bodies of Basin-Wide Importance (1.85 MB)
Maps of the Danube Flood Risk Management Plan 2015
Map 3: Deliniated Surface Water Bodies (1.62 MB)
Maps of the Danube River Basin District Management Plan 2015
Map 2: Ecoregions (1.55 MB)
Map 1: DRBD Overview (2.1 MB)
DRBM Plan Update 2015 - Maps (37.73 MB)
Complete set of thematic maps supplementing the Danube River Basin District Management Plan - Update 2015. -
Maps of the Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan 2010 (15.86 MB)
FRM Plan: Draft Annex 1 (Hazard and Risk Maps Update) (5.72 MB)
The draft Annex 1 of the 1st Flood Risk Management Plan for the DRB, provided for public comments.