Publications, documents and all other content
Displaying 201 - 210 of 1320 items
Danube Watch 3/2020 - Talking with Two ICPDR Dinosaurs
Danube Watch 3/2020 - The Nuts and Bolts: What Our Public Consultation Looks Like
Danube Watch 3/2020 - Community Commitments: ICPDR Observers
Danube Watch 3/2020 - PlasticFreeDanube
Danube Watch 3/2020 - Maps as Time-Machines
Danube Watch 3/2020 - The DanubeSediment Project: Upping Stakeholder Know-how
Danube Watch 3/2020 - Public Participation within the Legal Setting of EU's Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive
Danube Watch 3/2020 - Copernicus and the Power of Knowledge
Danube Watch 3/2020 (4.4 MB)
Public Participation: We Want Your Thoughts! Time Travel: Maps and the Past Joint Danube Survey 4: Investigating our River (Press Release) ICPDR Public Consultation Workshop: “Our Opinion – Our Danube” a resounding success
Vienna, 30th June 2021 - Around 130 experts, stakeholders and members of the public were able to #HaveTheirSay about the 2021 updates of the Danube River Basin and Flood Risk Management Plans in the workshop "Our Opinion – Our Danube" which has just taken place.
The workshop is a key event for the update by the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) to its management plans and gives Danubian citizens a unique opportunity to contribute to the six-year plans.