Publications, documents and all other content
Displaying 191 - 200 of 1320 items
ICPDR Policy Paper on Sustainable Agriculture (20.11 MB)
A Policy Paper on Sustainable Agriculture in the Danube River Basin. -
ICPDR Guidance Document on Sustainable Agriculture (5.32 MB)
A guidance document which shall contribute to achieve sustainable agriculture and rural development in the Danube countries by considering the economic, environmental and social aspects together and... -
Our Opinion – Our Danube: Final Report (822.59 KB)
Final Report on the Stakeholder Consultation Workshop "Our Opinion – Our Danube", held online 29th & 30th June 2021. This report includes participant feedback. Practical Tools and Policy Recommendations to Improve the Safety of Tailings Management Facilities in the Danube River Basin
Improving the safety of Tailings Management Facilities (TMFs) throughout the Danube River Basin is a key issue for the ICPDR, and we've now published a paper of policy recommendations.
Recommendation paper: Improving the Safety of TMFs in the DRB (259.34 KB)
A recommendation paper by the ICPDR addressing the issue of improving TMF safety throughout the Danube River Basin. -
Leaflet: Safety of Tailings Management Facilities In The Danube River Basin (8.63 MB)
A leaflet on the ICPDR's study of TMF safety in the Danube River Basin ICPDR Publishes a Recommendation Paper on Wastewater Management
The ICPDR has developed a recommendation paper on wastewater management, communicating the challenges, needs and potential solutions to wastewater management in the Danube River Basin.
IC 242 - Wastewater Management in the Danube River Basin (400.7 KB)
A recommendation paper by the ICPDR, developed for the ongoing revision of the EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD). Danube Watch 3/2020 -2020 Danube Quiz!
Danube Watch 3/2020 - The Joint Danube Survey