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Displaying 1361 - 1370 of 1947 results found
Upper Tisza demonstration Project - Component 2 - UNDP/GEF Tisza MSP - Selected measures for integrated land and water management
Projects should have a clear impact on the livelihood of local people - this is especially true for the UNDP/GEF project “Integrating multiple benefits of wetlands and floodplains into improved trans-boundary management for the Tisza River Basin”. This pilot project is currently carried out on the Upper Tisza, in a village literally divided by the Tisza into two countries.
Управління паводковими водами в басейні річки Това на території Баранинської сільської ради (3.42 MB)
UNDP/GEF TISZA MSP Integrating multiple benefits of wetlands and floodplains into improved transboundary management for the Tisza River Basin -
The Inception Workshop (376.55 KB)
Making space for water in the Bodrog River Basin (HU, SK, UA) The Inception Workshop Uzhgorod - village Barvinok, Ukraine June 10, 2009 -
The Inception Report (580.18 KB)
Making space for water in the Bodrog River Basin (HU, SK,UA) The Inception Report The Inception Workshop Uzhgorod - village Barvinok, Ukraine June 10, 2009 -
Hungarian Inception Presentation (7.33 MB)
Making space for water in the Bodrog River Basin (HU, SK,UA) Hungarian Inception Presentation The Inception Workshop Uzhgorod - village Barvinok, Ukraine June 10, 2009 -
Demonstration site in Slovakia (711.4 KB)
Making space for water in the Bodrog River Basin (HU, SK,UA) Demonstration site in Slovakia The Inception Workshop Uzhgorod - village Barvinok, Ukraine June 10, 2009 Bodrog demonstration Project - Component 2 - UNDP/GEF Tisza MSP - Making space for water in the Bodrog River Basin
The Bodrog River Basin makes part of the Tisza River Basin and is shared by Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine. Environmental problems and flood damages are increasing and putting pressures on the people - high time for a project of the UNDP / GEF to promote multiple benefits of wetlands and floodplains.
TNMN Yearbook 2006 - Annex Data (1.02 MB)
TNMN Yearbook 2006 - long version (4.71 MB)