Search Results
Displaying 1601 - 1610 of 1947 results found
HAKSTEGE: Environmental aspects of dredging and dredged material management (2.8 MB)
EBU-Statement: Inland Navigation and Environmental Sustainability (474.28 KB)
SIMONER: Environmentally sustainable improvement of IWT (2.88 MB)
RAST: Improvement of navigation conditions on the Danube (Calarasi-Braila and Lower Danube) - Ecological concerns? (4.36 MB)
BALCU: Technical Assistance for Improvement of Navigation Conditions founded by EU and Romania (ISPA measure 2002 RO 16 PA 011) (6.43 MB)
WELLER: Summary WS I & Introduction WS II (83.69 KB)
Czech Republic: Facts and Figures (35.15 KB)
Danube Day 2007
Danube Basin, 29 June 2007. The rich and varied history and traditions of the countries sharing the Danube River Basin will be at the heart of festivities marking the fourth annual International Danube Day (June 29).
Under the theme, ‘Celebrating Danube Cultures’, a large number of educational, entertainment and recreational activities will be held this week to commemorate the anniversary of the Danube River Protection Convention.-
Danube Day 2007 (112.46 KB)
Ukraine Facts & Figures (79.88 KB)