Search Results
Displaying 1611 - 1620 of 1947 results found
Slovakia Facts & Figures (37.18 KB)
Moldova Facts & Figures (24.79 KB)
TISAR project 2007 - Development of Tisza River Basin Management Plan
Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia and Hungary share the responsibility for the Tisza river basin and undertook jointly activities towards the implementation of the EU Water Freamwork Directive and the EU Flood Directive. These efforts were supported by the European Union in the frame of the TISAR 2007 and led to good results.
Hungarian position on the development of inland navigation in the Danube River Basin (8.05 KB)
WELLER: Wrap up and outlook towards Workshop II (51.49 KB)
Presentation (1.2 MB)
Helmut Habersack: Innovative river management – combining ecology, navigation and river engineering -
HABERSACK: Innovative river management – combining ecology, navigation and river engineering (20.57 KB)
Helmut Habersack: Innovative river management – combining ecology, navigation and river engineering -
Presentation (152.88 KB)
Christian Schramm: Project East of Vienna- requirements from the navigation side -
SCHRAMM: Project East of Vienna - Requirements from the navigation side (51.33 KB)
Christian SCHRAMM: Project East of Vienna - Requirements from the navigation side -
Presentation (2.76 MB)
Carl MANZANO: Project East of Vienna - Requirements from the ecology side