Search Results
Displaying 1631 - 1640 of 1947 results found
JUNGWIRTH: Ecology of large rivers, anthropogenic pressures and impacts (6.74 KB)
Presentation (430.77 KB)
Philip Weller: A vision for the Danube River Basin - -
Weller: A vision for the Danube River Basin (8.21 KB)
Weller: Overall Goal (98.41 KB)
Proceedings: Kick-off Meeting, April 25-26, 2007 - Orth (AT) (1.19 MB)
Joint Statement: Navigation & Environment
In October 2007, a "Joint Statement on Inland Navigation and Environmental Sustainability in the Danube River Basin" was concluded and very positively received by stakeholders. In the years that followed, the responsible government authorities and interest groups met again to discuss the progress achieved so far and how to improve the application of the Joint Statement in waterway projects. These meetings continue.
Water and climate change: time to adapt
ICPDR Danube Watch: The ICPDR in the spotlight
Can ecology and waterway transport coexist?
ICPDR Danube Watch: The new riverbank at Hainburg
Danube Day 2007: celebrating Danube cultures
ICPDR Danube Watch: New EU members bring their own sea: good news or bad?
The Danube-Black Sea clean-up story